Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Audio Day Dream - Blake Lewis - Some News

Blake posted a blog on his MySpace today. He had some more news about his upcoming album, one that we all are excited about! Here's what he had to say:

Hey everyone... My album just got pushed back to December 4th. We think it will be a better day for the release and its also taking some pressure off me, for getting this album done. I can't wait to get it out!!! I have been waiting to make a full length album for the longest time. This album is a mix of all the great pop music that has inspired me since the 80's. Electro/funk/soul/pop I call it my 2080's album. One mix from the start to finish, like a great Electronic or Hip-Hop mix tape.

More News:
I just got done making the documentry and shooting the pictures for the album cover. My two good friends, Ethan Newberry and Cisco McArthy have put together a nice 20 minute documentary, that hopefully will be packaged with the album. Its lookin great!

Gabrielle Revere shot the cover pictures and they turned out amazing! Also, Courtney James, a brilliant artist is helping me out with the design work for the cover. Everything is coming together smoothly and I couldn't be more happy with this project.

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Thank you all for your possitive energy you've been sending my way! I've needed it.

Love and Happiness - Blake

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