Victor Balta: Hi, everyone... welcome to our live chat with "American Idol" winner Kris Allen! We'll get started at 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT, but in the meantime, go ahead and start submitting those questions and comments for Kris!
Victor Balta: Keep those questions rolling in! We'll get started shortly.
Victor Balta: Please be patient, as there are a lot of people in this chat. We'll try to get through as many questions as we can in our 30 minutes with Kris.
Victor Balta: He's here! Welcome, Kris Allen!
Victor Balta: Oops! Minor technical difficulty... Kris will be here in a sec!
Victor Balta: Gotta love the live Internets!
Kris Allen: Hello, everyone... this is going to be fun. I'm excited!
[Comment From Hannah]
can u tell us about ur album like the name of any songs?
Kris Allen: We haven't started on any of that stuff yet. We're still writing, so we don't have any song names or anything like that. I wish I could throw those out there. But not right now.
[Comment From gotnoaction]
Kris, you're awesome! As a former school band geek myself (trombones represent!), I have to ask, would you ever consider breaking out your viola for a concert or occasion? We'd love to hear you play!
[Comment From Lesley]
hey kris - congratulations! i was wondering... when are we going to see you bust out the viola? also, will you sing a duet with me when i become a famous singer? ;)
Kris Allen: Absolutely! Maybe not on the tour, but on my own stuff, I think it would kind of be a cool thing to do, just because that was a big part of my life for a long time, so yeah, that's something that would be a possibility.
[Comment From shan]
kris, so i luved all of your performances ALOT but which one of your songs was ur fave to perform???
Kris Allen: My favorite one to perform was probably Ain't No Sunshine, just because it was soemthing a little bit different and playing the piano was something that was definitely new to me. So it was nice to get on stage and do something I don't do all the time.
[Comment From Aubrey]
Is there anything that bothers you about being a celebrity?
Kris Allen: Haha... I don't think. I think a lot of people think going to restaurants and people are going to bother you, or whatever. But I think that's just a part of it, and if you can't deal with it, this probably isn't the business for you.
[Comment From ohmyheck]
Hi Kris! So Adam posed with a snake on the cover of Rolling Stone. What animal would you pose with? I’m thinking puppy. Maybe bunny, lol. Love you!
Kris Allen: Hahahaha... I think... haha... that's a funny question. Me and my friends always joke around, and they say if I was going to be an animal, I would be a koala bear, so maybe a koala.
[Comment From Deirdre]
What songs did you sing early in the competition that weren't aired?
Kris Allen: There's a couple of songs that weren't shown in Hollywood week. I sang Everything by Michael Buble and For Once In My Life by Stevie Wonder.
[Comment From Julie (ontdai)]
Hey Kris:) Could you tell us more about some humanitarian work you did?
Kris Allen: Yeah, I've been to different countries on mission trips with my college. After the tsunami in Thailand, we went there and built some houses and tried to do as much as we could. After that, I went to South Africa and tried to do some AIDS relief, so those are some things I've done.
[Comment From rachel]
is your brother going to try out again next year
[Comment From Lenore]
You've said your brother, Daniel, has an amazing voice. Do you think you'll ever have him on one of your albums? Maybe a little bit of a duet?
Kris Allen: I don't think he's going to try out again, because I feel like he kind of got his final foot in there. Probably not. Our vocal styles are very different, but I do love my brother and we do like singing together, but probably not on an album or anything. But he'll probably love to know people were talking about it.
[Comment From .Kick.Awesome.]
Are you going to finish your degree in business once you record your first record and have some free time on your hands?
Kris Allen: If I have some time, I would love to. I don't know when that's going to happen, but I think it would always be a good thing to do. For me, it's always something I've wanted to have. So if I find the time, that would be amazing.
[Comment From zmitchell]
Hey Kris, huge fan here! what kind of album do you think you will put out? acoustic? or more upbeat?
Kris Allen: It's going to be more of a... I think it's going to have that acoustic feel, but not too much. It's going to have probably a little more rock feel than people think it's going to, which is cool. But also good stuff that people will want to listen to. More along the lines of pop rock.
[Comment From Katie]
What was your funniest or most memorable moment from behind the scenes on Idol?
Kris Allen: Good question. Probably the most memorable moment -- this wasn't very funny at all -- when the stage manager fell from the stage. That was definitely one of the things I'll remember, but she's a trooper and she'll be fine. But that was just a crazy day and I'll never forget that.
[Comment From haylee]
hi kris im a big fan. i was wondering if you ever got annoyed on the show when the judges favored other contestants more than you. Did you ever feel they never gave you the credit you deserved?
Kris Allen: You know, I never felt like that because I felt that the people that did get the credit were very deserving of it. The people getting all the praise were really good. I felt like I was getting enough praise, as well. For me, I'm very hard on myself, so even if they would've told me I was the best ever, I would've gone back and listened to it and thought I could've done better. So I'm way harder on myself than they would've been on me.
[Comment From .Kick.Awesome.]
So I just love your pre-Idol record (Hope you didn't wince when I brought that up haha), and I just wanted to ask whether the song "Wipe it Away" was about Katy? And if not, were any of the songs on your "Brand New Shoes" record about her?
Kris Allen: Yes, definitely. She was probably some inspiration to some of those songs on there. Yes. That's one of my favorite songs I've written, actually, so I'm glad you know it.
[Comment From Domocentric]
Are there any songs you wish you could've covered on AI, but the theme weeks just never coincided?
Kris Allen: There were a couple of songs I wanted to do that didn't cleared. I am not going to say what they are, because I am going to do them on tour. So you'll have to come out and listen.
[Comment From Sami]
First off congrats! What was the first thing that popped into your head when Ryan said your name?
Kris Allen: The first thing that popped in my head was the singing. I thought, I don't want to sing right now! Then Adam told me you have yo sing. So that was definitely the first thing.
[Comment From hushcats]
If you could choose one other Idol contestant to work with, whom would it be, and what kind of collaboration would you want to do?
Kris Allen: If I had to choose one, it would probably be... gosh!... I'm going to say this because when me and Matt Giraud were roommates in Hollywood week, we said we were going to have to work something out together. So we were talking about that before, so if I have to choose one person, I will choose him.
[Comment From amykip]
What will be your tour colors? I heard plaid...
Kris Allen: Oh yeah? I really have no idea. I've heard green thrown out there, but I really have no idea. I didn't know about the tour color thing until about a week ago.
[Comment From PocketLauren]
Kris, the friendship you've forged with Adam this season is amazing...I'm wondering if you think you two will be friends for the long haul? And do you guys have any plans to work together in the future? (Duet on your album/on the Idols tour perhaps?)
Kris Allen: Me and Adam, yes, we are very good friends and I have a feeling that we're going to be friends forever, just because when you go through something like this with someone until the very end -- and we were roommates from the beginning. I don't know if we're going to work together. We've already started bouncing ideas off each other for our own albums, but our styles are so different, I don't know if it would work. I respect what he does and he respects what I do, but I don't know if it would mesh together well. Maybe, who knows?
[Comment From Justine]
Who is your favorite judge and why?
Kris Allen: If I had to pick my favorite judge... it might be Paula, just because she's so nice and I probably spent the most time with her. Like, she came and did the choreography and she's so nice and sweet and she got me and Adam a present for being in the finale. So she's just a sweetheart.
[Comment From wv4dmb (Stephanie)]
Kris, What are the round charms you wear on your chain around your neck? Happy Birthday to you Sunday..today is mine:)
Kris Allen: Aww, thank you for saying happy birthday! It was actually a gift given to me by one of the stylists on the show. It was just one of those things where I kept wearing it. So it really doesn't mean anything other than that.
[Comment From Christina (BENCHES)]
Did you have any rituals or routines that you did before you took the stage for your performance?
Kris Allen: Probably, the only thing I would do is take 15 or 20 seconds and just calm myself down and get into the moment of the song and feel inspired and just think about what the song is about and the feeling of the song and try to portray that.
[Comment From Michaela_ontdai]
Hi Kris! What's the funniest thing you've read about yourself on the Internet since winning?
Kris Allen: Oh, I think the funniest thing was that me and my wife were getting divorced and she's pregnant. Yeah... she's pregnant and I can't deal with it and we're getting a divorce. I thought that was hilarious. She's not... and we're not getting a divorce.
[Comment From Alli]
Can you tell us what song you sang for your sing-off in the Judge's mansion?
Kris Allen: Me and Kenny, we were told to do the last song we did in Hollywood week, so I did Everything by Michael Buble.
[Comment From Marilyn Archuleta]
Hi Kris! your shoulder is really awesome when you play guitar!!!! Is this a technique?
Kris Allen: I never noticed. I think it's just kind of the way I move when I play. So, no, it's not a technique. I did not learn how to do that.
[Comment From Nuclearwinter]
What would you like your career to look like 5 or 10 years from now? Also, what do you *not* want your career to look like 5 or 10 years from now?
Kris Allen: I think, for me, I would like my career... I would like to be making more albums and just making music that people respect and that people would listen to and say it's good music. So hopefully that's the case from a year on out. And what I don't want it to look like is.. I don't want it to end, that's for sure!
[Comment From hansley]
I’m from Malaysia and I would like to ask.. What’s the ONE thing you want to change in your life? Something that you wish to change cause you made a wrong decision maybe
Kris Allen: Wow... I think the one thing that I would want to change is... I don't know... I like everything now. It's very good. I have no complaints. I'm the happiest person in the world right now, so I can't think of anything I would want to change, other than my grandmother is passing away right now, and that's not very good.
[Comment From gemma!]
so, if you could collaborate with any artist in the whole world, who would it be?
Kris Allen: If it was a dream person, I would love to work with Paul McCartney, just because everything he puts his hands on is magic.
[Comment From Lauren]
Was there anyone you didn't get along with on Idol?
Kris Allen: No, we all got along, seriously. And I like everyone, so I had a great time with everyone. I think we're all pretty good friends, which makes me really excited about the tour.
[Comment From Aly]
What do you think set you apart from the other contestants this season and why?
Kris Allen: I don't know if anything particularly set me apart, but I think people have told me it was the realness that they saw in me and the genuineness... I think all of us have that, but different things show up on TV for some than others. So, for me, I think that was part of it.
[Comment From AmandaLeigh]
What encouraged you to audition for American Idol?
Kris Allen: It was actually my brother. He was going to audition and he said, you should come audition with me. We just kind of ran with it, and it turned out very good.
[Comment From kris allen lover]
kris did adam really paint ur nails black?
Kris Allen: Haha... yes he did. Not all of them, just the thumb. We were just kind of joking backstage one day. He was painting his and I said, Adam paint mine, and I was just joking but he was, like, OK. I'm up for anything and that just became a statement. It was funny. There was one point where I had one thumb and he took one of his thumbs off.
[Comment From Max]
Do you have a twitter account?
[Comment From shelley]
why is twitter the devil? :P is there any chance you'll get a twitter account? :) your fans (including me!) are basically clamoring for it! and oh, happy birthday!
Kris Allen: Hahahaha... that's hilarious. I don't know why Twitter is the devil. I have not seen evidence of Twitter being the devil, but, no, I do not have a Twitter. So if there are people saying they're me, it is not me.
[Comment From Tierney]
Hi Kris! Does your wife ever get annoyed by all of your girl fans?
Kris Allen: A lot of people ask me that, and we don't see all that. We don't see all the girl fans, and she knows she has nothing to worry about. She is glad that I have fans. There's nothing wrong with that.
[Comment From Jenna]
what is one thing that fans dont know about you?
Kris Allen: I don't know if people know this or not: I actually had a tumor when I was 13. I had to have one of my ribs removed. I don't think a lot of people know that.
Kris Allen: And I have a sweet scar now. It's awesome.
[Comment From Coral]
What are your strengths and weaknesses as an artist?
Kris Allen: I think my strengths are, like, really getting emotionally involved in songs and really singing them to the point where it's very believable. And just melodies and that kind of thing. That's definitely some of my strengths. My biggest weakness is my head gets in the way too much and I start thinking about it and the creative process gets bogged down a little bit in my head.
[Comment From Timmy]
How is your spirituality going to play into your career?
Kris Allen: I think it's going to be the thing that's going to keep me grounded. So I'm glad that I was brought up the way I was. It's kind of made me who I am, so I'm very happy about it.
[Comment From Coral]
What's the most imporant thing for you in terms of your music? What won't you compromise about?
Kris Allen: I will not compromise lyrics ... I have to get emotionally involved and cheesy lyrics I will not get emotionally involved with, so that's one thing I will not compromise on
[Comment From Angel]
What is the funniest encounter u have had with a fan?
Kris Allen: The funniest thing is that most of the, I will call them the grandmas... older ladies...they come up to you like you are their grandson, so they, like, kiss you and it's totally cool. That's definitely the funniest thing. But you have to roll with it. They're grandmas. They're not trying to hit on me or anything, so I don't think there's anything to worry about there.
[Comment From Taatee]
who is your favourite past winner of american idol?
Kris Allen: That's a tough one. I think, for me, my favorite one would probably be Kelly. But I feel like Carrie was amazing. I feel like David Cook was incredible. I think Kelly has a special place in everyone's heart, because she was the first one.
[Comment From Krystle]
Your performance with Keith Urban at the finale was AMAZING! Is there any chance you might ever come out with a country record?
Victor Balta: Two more questions!
Kris Allen: Definitely not. I had a great time with Keith Urban, but that's not the route that I want to go. But I'm glad everyone enjoyed it, because I enjoyed it. I had a great time with him and it was a lot of fun.
[Comment From Cindy]
You and your wife make such a cute couple. What is the story behind your meeting each other?
Kris Allen: It's almost too cute to tell... we met in high school, we were both in orchestra. She played the violin and I played viola. We got to know each other on an orchestra trip. And we've been together ever since. So it was just one of those things where you find the right person very early in your life.
[Comment From Max]
You mentioned that your least favorite performance of the season was the Don Henley song "All She Wants To Do Is Dance". If you were given the chance to perform again on the "Year You Were Born" Week, what would you have performed instead?
Kris Allen: I don't know, exactly. I know that, as a joke, the song "Right Round" was written that year, as well. I don't know if I would ever do that song. I don't know. You got to surprise people on Idol.
Kris Allen: Thank you guys for the questions and for caring, that's nice. If you want to come out to the tour, it's going to be great. All 10 of us have great shows, and I can't wait to see you guys!
Victor Balta: Thanks, Kris!
Victor Balta: That wraps up our series of live chats with the Idol Top 10!
Victor Balta: I hope you all enjoyed them and thanks for being here!
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2 weeks ago
When Is Kris Allen Haveing A Live Chat
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